How The Tibetan Five Elements Tantric Practices Metabolize Energy For Sexual Pleasure.

How The Tibetan Five Elements Tantric Practices Metabolize Energy For Sexual Pleasure.

How can the Tibetan Five Elements meditation and practices, passed down through a 1200 year lineage, metabolize emotional and physical obstacles for embodied sexual transcendence? Devi Ward Erickson shares how these ancient practices transformed her own life, the principles of how the meditation transmutes and transforms our body and consciousness, and how her Institute for Authentic Tantra Education trains and teaches practitioners and students making these sacred teachings available to Western audiences.

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How Tantra, Yoni Massage, and Sexological Bodywork Can Restore Sexual Pleasure and Wholeness

How Tantra, Yoni Massage, and Sexological Bodywork Can Restore Sexual Pleasure and Wholeness

Every body’s journey of sensual & sexual reclamation from past sexual abuse is unique to their body. Pamelah shares with tremendous insight how her unique path involved her memories of child abuse returning via breath work, how she learned to give voice to her embodied feelings, and the roles Tantra, Yoni Massage, and Sexological Bodywork played in the reclamation and realization of her body’s full erotic pleasures and wholeness.

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How to Reclaim and Restore Embodied Sexual Pleasure, Intimacy and Wholeness After Sexual Abuse.

How to Reclaim and Restore Embodied Sexual Pleasure, Intimacy and Wholeness After Sexual Abuse.

What does the journey of reclaiming and restoring our organic sexual embodiment and nature involve when healing from childhood sexual abuse? There are as many paths as there are sacred journeys to healing. Today, we have the privilege of listening to one such journey, as Violet Lange shares her experiences, both as a survivor of sexual abuse, as well as a guide and coach for women to live a life of pleasure, attuned and in alignment with their embodied feminine nature.

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How The Wheel of Consent Invites an Ever-Deepening Embodiment for Intimacy, Pleasure and Relationships

How The Wheel of Consent Invites an Ever-Deepening Embodiment for Intimacy, Pleasure and Relationships

How can we learn, re-learn or deepen our body’s sense of safety for receiving the kinds and quality of touch and pleasure we truly desire, whilst expanding its ability to know and ask for what it really wants? Dr. Betty Martin and The Wheel of Consent offers a safe and clear container for this embodied inquiry. Betty shares her journey of how the subtle yet powerful touch distinctions of giving, receiving, taking and allowing evolved, the importance of waking up our hands to receiving pleasure, and her process of distilling and transmitting her depth of knowledge into the newly released “The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent.”

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How to Awaken Our Inner Animal by Restoring our Nervous System

How to Awaken Our Inner Animal by Restoring our Nervous System

How can we restore and awaken our nervous system at its own pace, layer by subtle layer, to ensure its felt sense and inner awareness is reclaimed from the ground up, and how does this profoundly affect our sexual embodiment and pleasure? Kimberly Ann Johnson’s new experiential book, The Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power, and Use it for Good invites an embodied exploration of nervous system understanding, intimacy, and self-regulation via the senses through a carefully sequenced series of somatic experiences partnered with insightful cognitive understanding.

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How to Honor the Body’s Authority Within the Western Medical Paradigm

How to Honor the Body’s Authority Within the Western Medical Paradigm

How can we listen for the deep and authentic wisdom of our body’s inner knowing, whilst benefitting from the expertise of the Western medical paradigm? Dr. Jennifer Lang, an obstetrician and gynecologist with a specialty in gynecologic oncology, shares how her experience of surrendering to the authority of her own body’s wisdom during her natural birth radically changed her approach to obstetrics. We also discuss the vital role of consent – both in the medical setting and in intimate realms – which her 2nd book, “Consent,” explores from the perspective of teen-agers navigating intimacy, sexuality, and honoring their boundaries.

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How Karsai Restores Blood, Qi and Energy Flow to the Genitalia Naturally.

How Karsai Restores Blood, Qi and Energy Flow to the Genitalia Naturally.

The ancient Thai/Taoist Art of Nuad Karsai, also known as Karsai Nei Tsang, increases the Blood/Qi flow into the genitalia and pelvis naturally, restoring its organic energy flow and in so doing, resolving issues ranging from a lack of lubrication, proper engorgement of the clitoris and labia, low libido and fertility issues in vulva-owners, to erection challenges, ejaculation issues, and low libido in penis-owners. “Coocky” Tassanee Boonsom, founder and teacher at the Loi Kroh Traditional Thai Massage School based in Chiang Mai and one of the most experienced practitioners in these Thai arts, shares her journey of what lead her to becoming trained in these practices, the ability to touch into the energetic consciousness and memories of the client, and the importance of establishing clean energetic boundaries when working with such intimate physical and energetic spaces of a client.

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How to Live a Jing-Centered Life: Honoring Our Sexual Qi Essence

How to Live a Jing-Centered Life: Honoring Our Sexual Qi Essence

How can we live in harmony with the natural rhythms of our body for activity and restoration, within each day and across the 7-year natural cycles of our lifetime? Kris Gonzalez, Founder of The Way of Yin, shares the TCM perspective of how to cultivate and nourish our precious Jing Qi Essence and when to channel it into vital activity, how one’s vaginal ecology is a reflection of their overall health, and the Three Golden Opportunities for menstruators – all of which influence the vitality and enjoyment of our sexual health and energy.

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How Vaginal Steaming Restores the Organic Flow of Reproductive Cycles, Periods, and Organs

How Vaginal Steaming Restores the Organic Flow of Reproductive Cycles, Periods, and Organs

How has the time-tested practice of Vaginal Steaming, known to efficiently and cost-effectively resolve issues – ranging from menstrual cramps and irregular periods, to cysts and fibroids, to fertility challenges, to a whole host of postpartum issues in dozens of countries around the world, been dismissed by the Western medical model? Keli Garza, founder of Steamy Chick and the Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute, shares her journey of leading what has become the premiere resource in data collection and research in the efficacy of Perineal Steaming, including results from the Fourth Trimester Postpartum Study.

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How Scar Tissue Remediation Can Resolve Pelvic Pain and Restore Pelvic Health

How Scar Tissue Remediation Can Resolve Pelvic Pain and Restore Pelvic Health

Dr. Ellen Heed’s pioneering research and work in scar tissue remediation and management has revealed a largely unaddressed epidemic of painful sex postpartum due to undiagnosed scar tissue obstructing proper lubrication, engorgement, and organ mobility in the pelvis. She explains the importance of accurate assessment via The Four Domains of Health – biochemistry, biomechanics, emotions, and scar tissue – and the role Somatic Recall can play in resolving emotions still held in the scar itself.

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