The Foundation

Consciousness | Safety | Presence

are at the Heart of the Practices used to facilitate a return home to the body’s sensations, pleasure, and wholeness.

For 30 years I’ve engaged in deep spiritual and transformational work. Body~Mind~Spirit.  Yet my sessions with Rahi led me to releasing core wounds keeping me from experiencing both subtle and profound sensual and sexual pleasures.  Now I experience more sensation, aliveness, and joy in love-making, and feel lighter and more pleasure and wholeness in my entire body. Rahi has the ability to hold an incredibly safe container with honesty, integrity and truth.  It is a powerful process and time for women to free ourselves from anything that is holding back pleasure and personal power.

Andrea Hylen
Founder and Executive Director
Heal My Voice


Consciousness refers to the awareness that we are sacred vessels here to serve the creative force that flows through us and as us.

It is honoring your Existence as an expression of the Divine, and the Embodiment of your Sacred Temple as a Blessed Sanctuary to Inhabit, Nourish, and Celebrate.


Pleasure, intimacy and wholeness flows naturally in a sacred space of safety, and when experienced by both the conscious and sub-conscious, the body and being can surrender into its natural state of inner peace, bliss, and discovery.

Because many emotional and physiological contractions occurred when a sense of safety or trust was breeched, this new corrective re-patterning has the power to replace past unhealthy associations with the body, sexuality, and sensations & feelings of pleasure.


Presence within the facilitator, and Presence within the client in receiving and being with their own sensations & feelings, invites a tuning in to how their life force energy wants to be facilitated, restoring an organic flow, vitality and well being.