How Not Fitting Into Normative Sexuality Boxes Can Lead to Discovering Your Authentic Sexuality & All About Somatic Sex Education

How Not Fitting Into Normative Sexuality Boxes Can Lead to Discovering Your Authentic Sexuality & All About Somatic Sex Education

What’s it like to grow up in a culture where your sexuality and sexual identify is absent or marginalized from society’s normative boxes and culture? Dr. Liam “Captain” Snowdon shares their journey of exploring sexuality through various non-normative tribes during a time when trans and gender-queer consciousness was not as evolved as it is today,. Captain also shares their unique perspective about Somatic Sex Education, having served as faculty on many of the leading Somatic Sex Education trainings over the years, and having co-created The Institute for Somatic Sex Education.

How to Resolve Pelvic Pain, Erection Challenges and Ejaculatory Issues Holistically

How to Resolve Pelvic Pain, Erection Challenges and Ejaculatory Issues Holistically

Chronic pelvic pain involves an intersection of biochemical, biomechanical, emotional and scar-related influences that can be properly addressed via the 4 Domains of Health which Australia-based Somatic Sex Educator, Lorraine Pentalow, details in-depth sharing the methods and processes she used for resolving her own chronic pelvic pain as a case study. We also discuss Lorraine’s other specialties – how to address and resolve erection and ejaculatory challenges.

How The Tibetan Five Elements Tantric Practices Metabolize Energy For Sexual Pleasure.

How The Tibetan Five Elements Tantric Practices Metabolize Energy For Sexual Pleasure.

How can the Tibetan Five Elements meditation and practices, passed down through a 1200 year lineage, metabolize emotional and physical obstacles for embodied sexual transcendence? Devi Ward Erickson shares how these ancient practices transformed her own life, the principles of how the meditation transmutes and transforms our body and consciousness, and how her Institute for Authentic Tantra Education trains and teaches practitioners and students making these sacred teachings available to Western audiences.