Re-inhabiting Presence, Pleasure and Power for Differently-Abled Bodies with Emily Royce, President of the ACSB

Re-inhabiting Presence, Pleasure and Power for Differently-Abled Bodies with Emily Royce, President of the ACSB

Is the process and methodology for holding space for sexological bodywork for those with chronic pain or differently-abled bodies any different than for non-differently-abled bodies? The answer may surprise you as Emily Royce, who specializes in working with communities who are on the outskirts of mainstream sexuality, shares her insights and experiences of her own journey of re-inhabiting pleasure, and how she holds space for this journey with her clients.

How Joseph Kramer’s Lucid Erotic States Created The Body Electric and Sexological Bodywork

How Joseph Kramer’s Lucid Erotic States Created The Body Electric and Sexological Bodywork

Joseph Kramer founded two seminal institutions that have produced 1000s of somatic sex educators, sexological bodyworkers and sacred intimates all over the world, namely, The Body Electric School of Massage and Rebirthing, approved to train professionals in California in 1984, and the profession of Sexological Bodywork, approved as a profession by the State of California in 2003. The curriculum for both institutes came to him during extended lucid heightened erotic states during which creativity and consciousness bypass the rational mind.

How Attuning to Their Inner Truism Curated Their Life’s Erotic and Consent Teachings With Caffyn Jesse

How Attuning to Their Inner Truism Curated Their Life’s Erotic and Consent Teachings With Caffyn Jesse

“When we touch someone, we touch their whole history, their deepest wounds, their secret identity, their healing powers, and their most profound capacities for joy. Sacred Intimacy is not rocket science, though it is neuroscience. We need to understand the neural learning zone, address the traumatic shaping we experience around the erotic, and create space for and welcome empowered choice and voice…” from Caffyn Jesse’s curated life’s work of embodied sexual wellness, healing and autonomy. After their “retirement,” we explore how their sense of freedom and inner truism has them being as prolific and attuned as ever.