Receiving Your first Prostate and Anal Massage and Dearmouring with Stine and Asim of The Prostatic Portal
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I finally met Asim and Stine in person when we participated in a Dearmouring Arts training in Serbia exploring various Tibetan, Lumerian and Egyptian energy clearing meditations for space-holders. I was immediately drawn to their warmth and openness as people, but also fascinated by their insights and expertise about the prostate and prostate massage via their co-creation, The Prostatic Portal. Getting to know the modules they’ve created for their online tantric training, I was blown away by their deep dive into the multi-faceted nature of the prostate as an organ with such far-reaching physiological, emotional, energetic and spiritual affects on its owner, and how they’ve synthesized health and healing prostate wisdoms from a wide variety of traditional and modern healing approaches. I have since experienced their work in person, and can speak to the space they hold for participants to embody, empower and expand beyond their previous upper limits via prostate massage as a tremendous service to sexual health & pleasure, the balance of one’s inner masculine and inner feminine, and the reclamation of sexual wholeness and Spirit.
Stine’s background includes her experience as a Holistic body therapist, midwife & integral sexologist. She is passionate about supporting life changing transitions for human beings, embracing gender fluidity, transparency, tantra, dearmouring, core integrity, multiorgasmia and free sexual expression. A body therapist specializing in sexual health for all genders, and working with dermouring & healing sexual trauma, birth trauma & prostate health, she facilitates workshops and trainings around Europe. Stine is also trained in Kaula Tantra, ART/Authentic Relating, Rebirthing Breathwork, Acupuncture, TRE, Core Awareness and De Armouring Arts and is based in Denmark and Holland.
Asim’s background includes his experience as a Tantrik bodyworker, shamanic practitioner and energetic healer. Educated in Kaula Tantra, Core shamanism, Loomi Loomi massage, he is self taught in energetic healing and Tarot. Asim facilitates sessions, workshops and ceremonies in a blend of tantra, yoga and shamanism, in addition to expertise in de-armouring and energetic & chakra healing channeled through his intuition. Asim works from a base in Denmark and Holland.
We explore:
How Stine & Asim have developed a specific breath informed by tantric and vagal theory principles to down-regulate the nervous system and relieve pelvic tension in preparation for prostate massage
How any hint of performance or goal-orientation during prostate massage can get in the way of surrendering to receive and allow
How slowing down and engaging in the release of tension from the physiological structures within the pelvis along the route to the prostate is an integral part of the prostatic portal process
How prostate massage “doesn’t give you what you want, but gives you what you need”
How anal massage and pelvic dearmouring are necessary preludes for the body to be receptive to making contact with the prostate
How 1st time prostate and anal massage receivers often realize how very natural and normal it is to feel pleasure and relaxation with prostate massage
How the online program has safety rails and precautions for both the receiver and giver to consider, in addition to an email and zoom support for inquiries, questions and support
How the Anusara breath can support pulling erotic energy up and into the body for a deep internal pleasure, rather than releasing outwards – leading to a very different experience of internal orgasm
How to wire pleasure at the prostate with pleasurable touch at the lingam to train for new imprints of pleasure response at the prostate
How breaking down the steps and process of providing a safe, trauma-informed experience into digestible segments was the guiding compass in creating The Prostatic Portal online experience
Rahi Chun
I am really, really excited to invite back to the podcast, Stina and Asim. um It's pretty rare to have um guests come back to the podcast, but one, it's been three years since our first interview and the first interview that we did on the Prosthetic Portal, their pioneering um work on prostate health, massage and pleasure was the most downloaded episode amongst and in the whole podcast series. I think there's close to 3000 downloads. so
Rahi Chun
Clearly there is a curiosity and an interest in prostate health, prostate pleasure, and prostate massage. So I wanted to have them back on so we could kind of do a part two and build on it. Steena, Asim, thank you for joining the podcast again.
Stine & Jasper
I'm so excited that we can go deeper together with you on this topic.
Rahi Chun
Wonderful. I love going deeper. Okay. Um, and we, yeah, given this is prostate massage, we must go deeper. We could we must go as deep as we can.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
Um, let me, yes, let me introduce, um, Stina and Asim to our audience. So Stina is a holistic body therapist, a midwife, an integral sexologist specializing in sexual health for all genders, working with dearmoring and healing sexual trauma.
Rahi Chun
birth trauma, prostate health. ah She facilitates workshops and trainings all around Europe and is based in Denmark and Holland. Aseem Sacred Fire is a tantric body worker, shamanic practitioner, and energetic healer. Educated in koala tantra, core shamanism, lumi lumi massage, energetic healing, and tarot. Aseem facilitates sessions, workshops, and ceremonies in a blend of tantra, yoga, and shamanism.
Rahi Chun
also in Copenhagen and is originally from the Netherlands. So um for listeners who have not heard the first podcast, um please do so. Again, it was the most popular podcast and we covered a lot of wonderful information, um specifically how the prosthetic portal draws on the depths of wisdom from a wide variety of cultural traditions involving somatic psychology, physiology, sexuality, and tantra.
Rahi Chun
um It's a really holistic and complete exploration of health, pleasure, and the spiritual benefits of this incredible gateway, which is the prostate in the body. um We talked about how the tissue of the womb and uterus is the same tissue that makes up the male prostate, and as such holds unintegrated issues and emotions relating to unberth to dreams, purpose, and intentions for prostate owners.
Rahi Chun
ah We talked about the wide range of health benefits, including increasing blood flow, draining toxins, softening muscles and ligaments, relieving lower back pain, um everything from alleviating enlarged prostates, which cause frequent your urination, to how to separate orgasm from ejaculation, leading to multi-orgasmic states of being.
Rahi Chun
um so You know, it's no surprise that it was such a popular podcast. I thought today, Steena and Asim, we could um focus on really helping the listeners understand what the process is as you guys. I mean, I consider the two of you the foremost experts in the world regarding prostate health and massage.
Rahi Chun
And I think it would be helpful for listeners to understand like what it's like to go through a prostate of prostate miss what to go through the process of prostate massage. So how how do you guys prepare ah clients or students um mentally, emotionally, and physically to get to prepare for a prostate massage? And what are the most important steps as you guide them through this deep and sacred and profound experience.
Stine & Jasper
Well, I think first and foremost, like really we like to call it the fear of the fart talk, like when we have this the workshops and also with clients actually kind of really making it quite transparent and open exactly what is going to happen on a very practical level, because there are so many unspoken fears and anxiety about going to this place, both for for the giver, but very much for the receiver.
Rahi Chun
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
Like there's so many taboos about having that area your body touches, especially the anus, homo, big fear. Like there can be so many things that can be kind of in the back side of the mind, but it's so, so vulnerable to share in a group or even being on one-on-one with me. So what I think the feedback we get in a lot of workshops is like, wow, you make it so sound so natural and so like,
Stine & Jasper
safe, like the I really feared all these things and it was just nothing like it to go there with you. You want to? Yeah, so and especially all the shame that can be around it. the So we try to bypass that and by being being very practical and also fun. Okay, you know, and if it smells, it smells, but it won't smell. So ah and and Yeah, so to make it, to mention it, um and it's it takes takes away the fears and the the the the shames that are hidden in in in sight. Yeah, try to make some jokes and like make it a little bit funny once in a while as well. and
Rahi Chun
Right, right.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
Yeah, I think that's so wise because um' I'm sure people who've never had um a finger in their anus or prostate massage, ah I mean, it's so great to just get it all out in the open.
Rahi Chun
You're you're actually pulling out what they're thinking or or what they're afraid of in the unconscious so that the fears are out so it doesn't have to be a fear anymore. So things like ah the taboo around the anus, ah you know,
Rahi Chun
ah fears about being dirty or smelly, um fears about, you know like you said, homo ah homophobic fears, all of that. um That's great. um how What have you found to be um important as far as like like downregulating the client's nervous system to actually be receptive to that part of the body? Because it's such a sensitive, vulnerable part of the body.
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, we kind of developed a specific breathwork for that.
Rahi Chun
Ah. Mm hmm.
Stine & Jasper
That is like really like like stepping on of knowledge of the tantric world and and and also the vagal theories of like how can we like regulate our nervous system because that part of the body is really the one part that really turns us up a lot when we're in the sympathetic.
Stine & Jasper
And a lot of these muscle groups that we are indirectly or directly touching is is not really like letting go and surrendering in that mode. So however we can support people to more in the passive-mesthetic state of the nervous system is is something we designed a specific breath work that we call the anal flow of breath.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
And Yeah, so that can be used for so many other things than prostate massage, but we just really a customized it customize specifically for a prostate massage.
Rahi Chun
That's terrific. um It's so interesting because when the body feels um fear or a threat of security, it is the anus that clenches.
Rahi Chun
And here you are entering that very area that's used to clenching. So it sounds like, yeah, it sounds like tailoring this breath work is really a key to preparing the body um for this this this entry.
Stine & Jasper
Stine & Jasper
And then we talk a lot about like the goal orientated experience.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
Like obviously a lot of people receiving f prostate massages are male and no that like the goal orientated approach to things is quite dominant once in a while.
Stine & Jasper
So we really speak a lot into you have to let go of a goal to experience this and having that part of your body letting go and going into surrender.
Rahi Chun
Yeah, that's part of the um um that's that's part of relaxing the whole nervous system. I mean, if someone's fixated on a goal, they're going to be um not particularly present to all of the sensations and what's actually happening in their body in the moment.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
Yeah. And that's also what we see when we do the workshops and i also work with k client. If there's any hint of like performance in it, it doesn't really work very well because then there's a goal again.
Rahi Chun
so huh hu So it's really inviting like a real complete surrender to receiving, which is so unlike a lot of, um I guess, masculine kind of ways of of moving in the world.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
It's really teaching men to really get in touch with their inner feminine, if you will, and and be in a receptive mode.
Stine & Jasper
yeah Yeah, because when when and to make it specific, to when men are having sex, you know they are in contraction. So when men are there, thrusting their lingam, and so they they have this ah contraction, even though that's the they they don't they're conscious of not having a goal, still you are in in and you you keep having control.
Stine & Jasper
and And what is ah very special about prostate massage is that you you you don't you you surrender that they control to somebody else. and then you can come Only then you can come to to receive pleasure from the from the prostate, otherwise you you keep being too contracted.
Rahi Chun
Yeah, it's really fascinating because the male body is so used to being the doer or the penetrator or the thruster that it's almost like unconscious like the body's memory is almost like so used to doing that really being entered ah for a product like receiving being receptive is You know can be a whole new experience for the body and for the body psyche um I you know, I mean I I mentioned this in the first interview. I just I became so much more um sensitive and I think a better lover but sensitive and ah Empathic to how vulnerable it is to receive after starting ah you know after my first prostate massage and
Rahi Chun
Um, so I'd love to, I'd love to take our, our audience, our listeners like kind of through a process process of prostate massage. So, um, you know, the, the, the breath work that's tailored to relax the body to downregulate the nervous system. So it's really, really beautiful. And then when you first make contact.
Rahi Chun
with the external sphincter or the mouth of the anus. um what is but How do you guide couples or um how do you facilitate that process? Because that could be, for a lot of bodies, the first time they're receiving a finger in the area.
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, I think like when when we guide the the massage, we kind of start even before the anus. Like we guide people into different techniques of releasing tension in the pelvic because we kind of believe that it's not only like working with the prostate is not only working directly on the prostate. It's very much working on all the structures that are holding the prostate that has a very deep impact on the prostate.
Stine & Jasper
So we just like really start with going slowly towards the area and we guide them into this breath and we guide them into slowness and we guide them into maybe in this experience you will only work on the anus you might not even get to the prostate like constantly trying to to take the goal out of the experience and be present with what is.
Stine & Jasper
And that's also, we we kind of made a quote of ourselves and in the online prosthetic portal program, is that the prosthetic portal is not going to give you what you want. It's going to give you what you need. So meeting it with that anticipation instead of wanting to go something specific or have a specific experience.
Stine & Jasper
And then, you know, people can either wear gloves or do it with without fingers. Of course, wearing a lot of oil, there's no lubricant in the area. That also gives people a sense of safety with the, like, if you have a lot of oil in your finger and no poo is going to stick to the finger, like those kind of informations. And then it's about really slowing down. We guide them into some very basic, simple dearmoring techniques because there can be a lot of tension, a lot of pain, discomfort, armor on the anus itself. And so it's really a big part of a prostate massage is actually the anus. So we're not only offering prostate massage, it's actually also like an anal massage in that sense because it's so linked.
Rahi Chun
Right. Right. So what I'm hearing is is um the prosthetic portal and prostate massage is really inviting an exploration of the whole pelvis and the anal canal, right?
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
It's like the whole package um because
Stine & Jasper
And also the root of the lingam, like the root of the lingam is meeting the prostate. In that area is also really is an area that a lot of men can benefit from having explored, connecting to it, massage, relieve tension in that area, because it also affects prostate, sexual performance, so many things.
Rahi Chun
Yeah, that's so um important to convey to listeners that, um you know, engaging with the prostate is, it can be a really multi-stepped experience where you're really moving so slowly from the outside in.
Rahi Chun
and releasing any tension from the outside in, from the external sphincter, ah you know, layer by layer. So it's really kind of like, re you know, it's it's it's it's it's it's in but it's inviting a deep intimacy with the pelvis itself, but also kind of, I don't know, I wanna say rebirthing the pelvis into a new pelvis before getting to the prostate.
Stine & Jasper
Mm-hmm, yeah.
Rahi Chun
um i'm I'm curious, like I'm sure with so many different prostate owners and bodies, the the process and the experience is so different for everyone. You know, everyone has different levels of tension and trauma and issues that are held in the area. um I'm wondering in the workshops that you guys facilitate, um and I attended ah one in in Amsterdam ah with you guys, and it was so beautifully held and and facilitated, um what are What are some of the common ah experiences that first time prostate massage receivers ah have that surprised them about that part of their body, about their anal sphincters or the anal canal? what's what's What are some common um discoveries that ah your clients or students make as they're exploring their anal canal and the issues held there?
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, so when it's the first time that they receive an anal massage or ah or a prostate massage, then then they they mostly say, oh, oh it's it's actually quite normal. And it's it's it's very natural. and so And so it is, again, all the thoughts that they created around it.
Stine & Jasper
and are are taken away and that is always very natural to have and it's natural to have pleasure from that and so that is very common that they that they say that. and then And then the second thing is that um yeah if if they read and if you have some experience, then with our approach, then they can um that they say, and oh, it's so much relaxing. and I'm very used to having it more um
Stine & Jasper
and that it's actively engaged and and that that now this this is more real in a relaxed state and now i can I'm feeling more instead of ah holding on.
Rahi Chun
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
You can also have people that say, I don't feel a thing. you know That's also normal and then that some frustration can come up from that. And then there are also a guy saying, wow, I connected to the whole lineage of men in my family.
Stine & Jasper
And all of a sudden I see how things can heal, like really profound or orgasmic experiencing.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
There was one guy in a festival, we met him like four or five hours after the workshop and he was like, I'm still shaking, but I'm still shaking like this.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
So it it can go in so many directions.
Rahi Chun
So many directions.
Stine & Jasper
It's ah yeah.
Rahi Chun
Yeah, yeah. So I'm hearing a seam share that a lot of people responded in a way where they realize how normal and how relaxing the experience can be. Because i think I think, you know, like a lot of men have the experience of going to the doctor and getting their prostates, you know, like a just kind of a looped finger getting stuck in there. But the way that you guide ah your students and clients with the breath work and going layer by layer and slowing down and being really receptive and feeling everything, it it sounds like ah there's there can be a lot more relaxation and normalizing of the experience.
Rahi Chun
And ah the range of responses can go from numbness to extreme pleasure and kind of ecstatic state. So it it can really be anything, but how amazing that, you know, the body can be explored in such a safe and gentle way to discover what is actually there to be felt and to be released.
Rahi Chun
um i'm I'm curious, um I know when you created the prosthetic portal online course, there was a lot of ah thought that went into how to support people when they're having like a ah trauma response. how do you guys ah hold How do you guys facilitate that in either a workshop or when you're um teaching people when, you know, the, the internal anal canal can hold different, you know, various traumas, whether it's sexual violation or fears of security, like how, how, how do you teach people to hold space for that kind of material to show up?
Stine & Jasper
Yeah. So that's, we had some hesitations making the online programme because, you know, we could not be present if all of a sudden people go into a full trauma release in a session like that.
Rahi Chun
Mm hmm.
Stine & Jasper
And then is the giver of the process capable of holding that space? But it is something that we are addressing in the online course. And we're talking about the different kinds of traumas that can make the origin of them, how they can show up and how you can handle them.
Stine & Jasper
But we also kind of put in some some like safety pieces into the online program where we kind of say if you have this and this and this, maybe it's not good to do it. Like if this comes up, what can you do then? If that doesn't work, then do that.
Stine & Jasper
And in the end of that, that we also kind of keep like an email line open. If people really feel lost and and need support, then we will just so love them to reach out for us and then we can guide them and maybe people need to go eventually to some kind of practitioner that can actually work with them very specifically on this.
Rahi Chun
Mhm. Wow. Wow.
Stine & Jasper
They need that kind of support maybe if something really comes up that they cannot regulate or hold space for themselves.
Rahi Chun
Mhm. Mhm. Wow. So you've really like thought it through in sharing the possible responses, traumatic responses that can happen and what to do in that case.
Rahi Chun
And it sounds like there's like an email correspondence line that's open so you guys are can make yourselves available in case that happens as well.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
um i'm I'm really curious about the surprising pleasure that students or clients discover that they didn't know was possible, like what you mentioned at the festival, like the guy being in an ecstatic state for hours after. um I'm guessing a lot of students and clients are very, I mean, that's, there's a deep curiosity about what pleasure exists around their prostate.
Stine & Jasper
Mm hmm.
Rahi Chun
um I guess I'm wondering, like, um for students and clients who are very curious about their pleasure potential, do you guide them in a different way? Are there tips that you share about how to engage with the prostate or the anal canal that supports more of a ah pleasure exploration for them?
Stine & Jasper
um Yeah, I think the the most important thing is that you you have to be able to move the energy inside, into the body. And so and and we work a lot with that, with a different breath work, Tantric Atnisara. So when we generate energy, that we pull the energy into the body. And well,
Stine & Jasper
When you have a penal orgasm, you know it it is and ah it's very intense and it's like going up the mountain and and then when you drop off the peak, then you're having the orgasm and and and you're shooting out your energy.
Rahi Chun
Mm-hmm. Hmm.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
and yeah But but the because the prostate is located inside the body, so then the the energy is released in the body. And when you then are ah able to move that energy up instead of out, and then you can expand the energy in your body, and but also expand the pleasure inside your body.
Rahi Chun
Mm hmm.
Stine & Jasper
And then you have a very different experience of of having an orgasm or having pleasure. and yeah because it's more inside. And it's not uncommon that some men experience when you touch their prostate, they feel like a tingling or like ah in the tip of the penis. So that that they are kind of connected through different nerve endings and wiring. So you can also use like ah creating pleasure where it's quite well known. And while you quite feel safe feeling pleasure, usually touching the tip of the lingam, making some kind of massage on the lingam while massaging the prostate.
Stine & Jasper
So kind of you can connect the two dots near plasticity, like the brain is discovering these new pathways of pleasure from being touched in an area you haven't been touched before.
Stine & Jasper
So that's also so a way to to guide this.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, because in the in the when the prostate has never been touched, then the body doesn't know what to do with the signals.
Rahi Chun
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
and it's it's And so then it's very good to to have some pleasure touch on the lingam or somewhere else that you have that that's the body is is taught that it's pleasure, that it can be pleasure.
Rahi Chun
Rahi Chun
Yes. Mhm. Mhm.
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, and most men, they need that to awaken the pleasure potential.
Rahi Chun
Mm hmm.
Stine & Jasper
Some men can have it spontaneously, never had experience, that happens too, but quite often they need a bit of support in that way to go in this new path.
Rahi Chun
Mm hmm.
Rahi Chun
Mm hmm. So yeah, what I'm hearing is is because the prostate for most people have never been touched manually or never been touched at all, there's an incredible ah opportunity to wire pleasure from the lingam with the prostate as it's being touched for the first time.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
But that's fantastic because we are so Pavlovian, you know, and how we get wired that that um that sounds like fun.
Rahi Chun
I mean, it sounds it's just it's fun.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
And it's just such a cool way to um engage with this, you know, a sacred portal in the body. um
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
You know, i ah for me, i i I feel like, I mean, Asim, what you shared about the internal energy because of the you know where the prostate is positioned inside of the body, that that makes so much sense. um i you know i feel like for for I feel like my ah exploration of separating ejaculation from orgasm really came from self-prostate massage. self-prostate massage And um I didn't have to necessarily consciously like do a microcosmic orbit just because the prostate's so internal. The energy was was being released inside without me really needing to do anything.
Rahi Chun
That's awesome.
Stine & Jasper
in second.
Rahi Chun
Yeah. Yeah. Um, so I'm curious because I know you guys, well, let's talk about integration because you know, it's such a vulnerable, you know, deep, deep part of the, the, the human psyche and the prostate owner's body.
Rahi Chun
Um, how do you guide your students or, uh, practitioners to facilitate, like, what are the tips you share in regards to integrating from a prostate massage?
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, so we we have this kind of also like piece or chapter that is called what to expect after a prostate massage. So we kind of try to tell people what they can expect the following days after receives a prostate massage or even giving it. So it's specific for the one giving like how to cleanse yourself. You really had had your finger inside this like sometimes this can be like these is a like hotspot of so much emotion.
Stine & Jasper
and not like taking that into your system.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
So that's one part of it. And then the other part is for the man that they that can have so many like the peeing sensations, the peeing flow can change, the poo can change, the emotional letting go of bullshit can change.
Stine & Jasper
And it can come days after I can really like have this afterglow effect for days. So we try to be very specific what they can happen and then then then notice it and then see okay what does that remind me of what can i learn from this experience have somebody to share about afterwards either the one giving or somebody else like to to really because it it comes in layers and it can come in with delayed messages no it's um i would say from you you know your shit is stirred so all your shit is stirred so um then
Rahi Chun
but Yeah.
Stine & Jasper
anything can happen that that can come up. you know It's all in the darkness, and and but now it's stirred and so it can come to the surface.
Rahi Chun
Yeah, something I really appreciated about our first interview, Asim, I remember, ah you know, you really were comment you were commenting on how it is the darkest kind of, you know, for it's like the most inner most dark place of the body where there is so much shadow.
Rahi Chun
And so yeah we we are stirring, you know, kind of what's in the shadow to come into consciousness and to be revealed and released. um But it sounds like because you guys have like, you're so familiar with what can come up in that process that you are um letting
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
letting people know in the prosthetic portal, all of the possible things that can come up and how to take care of themselves during during the integration, which is so so key and important.
Stine & Jasper
Yeah. And then we also offer the Zoom calls, like like ki like if you're part of the online thing, that that you can kind of come with Q and&A or come with, you know, get advice or share your experience. So so also kind of wanting to offer and the support that way.
Rahi Chun
So people have ah like opportunity to create an email thread or hop onto a Zoom call to support you know any any questions or integration process, or I'm curious about whether there are possibilities there are with their with their prostate experience.
Rahi Chun
um you know Something you mentioned, Steena, about the giver not taking on the energy of the prostate owner.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
That's a really, really important um like preparation thing for the giver. I'm wondering, you know, we've been talking about the prostate owner and the receivers experience. What have you noticed in first time givers and their experience of of, you know, entering the body of their beloved or, you know, in such a deep and sacred way?
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, so I think one thing that is really often like a topic is already like the polarity, if especially if it is their private romantically partner or lover, that if the roles always have been reversed, the guy being the penetrating one, the one being more the doer, that now they they change those roles. And that's not all women that is comfortable with that.
Stine & Jasper
And so that could look like when the woman start to give the prostate massage that the man is still very much directing.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
No, no, touch me here. No, no, there. Go a little bit deeper and they just follow along. And then like there's no surrender happening. And then that dynamic is just showing up. So that could be one thing that we see.
Stine & Jasper
And then it can be about wearing gloves, not gloves. Mostly if it's your private partner, a lot of prefer not to wear gloves because it's so difficult the first time to feel stuff in there and people get confused when they're wearing a glove.
Stine & Jasper
So that's another thing. Then we can also see that the woman is so eager to give her man a prostate orgasm that then it becomes goal orientated through the giver.
Rahi Chun
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
And then we can see the response can be in the man. No, I'm not going to give you my prostate orgasm for your sake. That kind of thing can happen. So, so, so that's really, is really interesting.
Stine & Jasper
And then the, the like very practical experience that, oh my God, my finger is burning inside. Like it's so hot or it's so stinging or it's so tight and, and everything is just conducted through that, that area you're touching and it becomes really, really intense.
Stine & Jasper
And it's like people cramping up their shoulders and and stop breathing. And like, it becomes so tense.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
Yeah. i said
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
The tenseness of the anus just travels up that arm and yeah.
Rahi Chun
Yeah, it's amazing. It's amazing how um the energy can transfer when one is not conscious and aware of all of all of what can happen. um But, you know, it's so interesting, the way you describe the um female wanting to
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
you know elicit an orgasm from the male prostate. It's it's such a role reversal, isn't it? It's like and so yeah it's so common for that for that to be the man wanting to give a woman an orgasm.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
And it I don't know, in some ways it's probably a good teacher for the man to realize what that feels like.
Stine & Jasper
Uh-huh, yeah.
Rahi Chun
um Okay, so I'm very curious about, um I know it's it's it was a process to create the online course through the prosthetic portal. um And so much goes into creating a course, like deciding what information to keep in and what information to to to pull out. um what were What were some of the main objectives in how you decided to include the information that you did in the online course?
Rahi Chun
Because I know it was a lot, you had you guys, it sounds sounds like you it was a lot of um consideration of how to make it as most trauma informed as possible.
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, it it was mostly about from how how can we can guide to to give a safe prostate orgasm.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
And and that that is the, especially and because this is the, if you go to the online course, that is an introductionary course. and And so it's it's very much about what to do and and and and and about the safety and to and and yeah less about very specific details because yeah and then it becomes it would get lost in it.
Rahi Chun
Yes, yes.
Stine & Jasper
But I also think like the feedback we get from our workshops is is like, it's so precise.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
It's so detailed. Like we we the feedback we got from people who've done the online courses, it's like all of a sudden I could do a prostate massage.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
like Because usually you can just yeah just take a finger up the ass and and look around for it. but like Like here, and like we really try to to put it into small little blocks step by step.
Stine & Jasper
All the things you need to explore, experience, get confident in before going for the full massage of a prostate.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
So really dissecting it into small bits.
Rahi Chun
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Stine & Jasper
um and the very large The first very large part of the the course is is just that we share about it and and and then in in in pieces.
Rahi Chun
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
ah So before we go into it and even even the massage itself, we we we have ah like a run through of all the steps
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
and before the actual massage has been done.
Rahi Chun
So you've really broken down the process into digestible, easily to understand steps before really inviting like the experience.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
So people and can understand intellectually, they can prepare their bodies, their emotions, they can understand what can happen. ah Yeah, it sounds amazing. um And okay, so how do people find the course? Where do they go?
Stine & Jasper
they go to theprostheticportal.com.
Rahi Chun
Okay, theprostheticportal.com. And I know ah there's the Same Sacred Fire website and Amasoma.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
Are there links to the prosthetic portal from there?
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, like we also made, like whenever we make stuff together, we call a sacred soma. um So there's a website there where you can, and that's linked out.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
Mm-hmm Wow, okay, but the main one is the prosthetic portal comm Awesome awesome um Guys I'm so excited that you've created this service.
Stine & Jasper
So there are four websites you can go to.
Stine & Jasper
Exactly. Show them online and everything related to the prostate. Yes.
Rahi Chun
I mean it's it's amazing I mean it really blows my mind like it blew my mind the first time I experienced my own prostate and I I just think you know if you have a body, you have to really understand how to optimize your health, release toxins, heal traumas, increase pleasure.
Rahi Chun
i mean It just advances everything in regards to your understanding of lovemaking and and your body. And here you've created this really, really digestible, I mean, you've curated all of the the wisdom that that that you've um been researching and facilitating for years into this online portal.
Rahi Chun
I just think it's a tremendous service. um
Stine & Jasper
Yeah, and I just think like we really like to use the tree as a symbol, like whatever happens in the root will show up in the rest of the tree. So whatever work you do on that area, it's so beneficial for it just, you know, creates rebels in the world to the rest of the being.
Rahi Chun
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
Yeah. But I also just want to use this opportunity to really thank for you like you.
Rahi Chun
That's it.
Stine & Jasper
You've been a big support and a guidance for us in this. So I just want to really share that that we would be so grateful for for for your support and your encouragement through this ah this process. You've been a big part of it.
Rahi Chun
Oh, well, I've really enjoyed it. And I've it's been exciting to watch it evolve. I cannot wait for people to discover it and find it. um So it's the prosthetic portal dot com.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
And um you can get all the information and details there.
Stine & Jasper
Rahi Chun
And and you guys have a ah special going on until the end of November.
Stine & Jasper
Yeah. So it's like an opening premiere kind of big discount and basically save up the what taxes 25%.
Rahi Chun
Mm hmm.
Rahi Chun
Mm hmm.
Stine & Jasper
So in the November, and then we have plans to already to some calls for everybody signing up in that month, like one in December, one in January.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
Um, and we also record the zoom calls if people can make them, of course. Um, yeah. So we just really want to interact with people that that jumps on this, this journey because we learned so much from the questions as well.
Rahi Chun
Stine & Jasper
And, um, yeah.
Rahi Chun
Beautiful, beautiful. Guys, thank you so much for returning and and sharing your wisdom and and offering this into the world. I'm so excited for everyone to to to hop on and and check it out.
Stine & Jasper
Thank you so much. ah Thank you.
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About the Show
We explore the restoration of pleasure, the reclamation of sexual sovereignty, and the realization of our organic sexual wholeness. We engage with leading somatic therapists, sexologists & sexological bodyworkers, and holistic practitioners worldwide who provide practical wisdom from hands-on experiences of working with clients and their embodied sexuality. We invite a deep listening to the organic nature of the body, its sexual essence, and the bounty of wisdom embodied in its life force.

Rahi Chun
Creator: Somatic Sexual Wholeness
Rahi is fascinated by the intersection of sexuality, psychology, spirituality and their authentic embodiment. Based in Los Angeles, he is an avid traveler and loves exploring cultures, practices of embodiment, and healing modalities around the world.